Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sk8 or die


Found 10-16-08 at lunch with PJ

Cool location, thought it needed a cache. Please watch out for muggles, don't let them see you grab the cache! Don't forget your skateboard or blades if you are one of them.Park hours are from 9AM - 10PM

This was my first encounter with a LPC (lamp post cache) and the GPS was jumping all over so we felt like we were on a wild goose chase. Then a maintenance guy shows up asking questions. He left briefly, we found it, signed the log and replaced it. As we were walking back to the car he came back and started watching us!!! But, since there have been several finds since ours I guess he didn't muggle it.

Speed Trap


Found 10-15-08

The stretch of road where this cache is placed is a favorite hangout for the Eustis Police Department to nab people not paying attention to the posted 30 MPH speed limit. We live near here and I still forget from time to time. Fortunately I have not had to be reminded by one of the nice officers, but it seems like 30 is awfully slow! Enjoy the cache and WATCH YOUR SPEED!!!

This one I found based on the satellite map and boy was it tricky!!! Just a log, not even in a "container" per se. Found by sheer luck, I thought the baggie the log was in was a spider web until closer inspection. All in all, I loved it!

Because of Winn Dixie


Found 10-15-08

Micro, BYOP. Have Fun!

Hint = Gutter is a good place to start.

I honestly can't remember the details of this find. I'm not sure if I had my GPS yet or if PJ gave me a round about idea, or if I just figured it out from the satellite maps. I signed the log and that's all that was there so TNLN. Based on finds after this, I must say I think I based it on the map etc.

Kilowatts! on the billboard


Found 10/15/08

This in the fourth in the Kilowatts! series. A quick P&G on 441.

Another find on the way home from work, still no GPS. Familiarity with the area and reading the prior log entries helped a lot. Signed log, that's all was there.

Cop Cache


Found October 15, 2008

Its outside of the complex
Dont get Muggled

Just a log, found it on my way home from work, not much of a challenge since I had been told almost exactly where it was.

A Rif Raf Cache


Found 10/15/08 w/ LP&J

Pretty easy terrain. I think it should be wheelchair accessible. Just a tiny bit of grass to go over.
Small green container with a clear lid. A rif-raf of items inside.

Hint - Fence

This one was a challenge between co-workers. My other two geo-caching co-workers had a real gps but my Hubby and I were determined to find it using the gps in the car (which doesn't give as many decimals and isn't designed for this). So we were on the opposite side of the building from them and none of us found it. So I went back with PJ (LPajamas&J) and we found it! As I recall I am the one who found it, but either way YAY teamwork!!

And this is the frog I took from it...

Calvin's Tackle Box 2

Archived - GC12QPN

Found 10/15/08 with LizardPajamas&Joe

Lake Idamere Park a new Trail just cleared

Trail Head is located at N 28.76521 W 081.75003

This is the same box as the original calvins tackle box i moved locations due to it being gator season

The new location is safe for small or large dogs and any age children i brought my 2 dogs and 1 year old son.

Hint - Im under a small palm shaded by a big oak.


Nov 16, 2008 - Archived per request of Lake County Parks and Trails

My first lunch cache with my co-worker (The Pajamas portion of LizardPajamas & Joe, hereby referred to as PJ). We found this one using her GPS, appearantly she had already been to this one with my other co-worker but they couldn't find it. I was the one who spotted it!!! I believe this is the SWAG I picked up there, but I can't be sure.

Little Man on the Boat


Found 10/14/2008 by myself, after work

VERY easy Park and grab! Please place where you found it! Happy Hunting.

Another find without GPS help. Being familiar with the area helps a lot. This was my first SWAG exchange, I don't remember what I put in but this is what I took...

Turns out it was put there by one of my co-workers.